Purple News #001

The much talked about GSSA WORLD CON’07 – the flagship Global convention for Alumni and former Students of Government Secondary School Afikpo, which started on the first day of December 2007, has ended in Orlando Florida with much success! As conventions go and all participants are in agreement, that this is by far one of the most successful conventions that they have attended. With a hundred percent of it’s goals fully achieved during session two (the working session), participants; alumni; families and friends were treated to  a Grand all night party at the residence of the Convention Chairman and our newly elected President – Dr. Eze David Uche. The convention formally ended on Sunday December 2 2007, with a farewell breakfast meeting, again at the residence of Dr. Uche. 

The majority of attendees arrived and registered promptly on November 30, the day before the formal convention commencement; They took part in a wonderful almost all night reception, which featured some very nostalgic and some times emotional re-union of GSSA alumni from all over North America. Many participants were far too excited to retire for the evening; opting to stay awake till the formal opening day. 

  GSSA WORLD CON’07 opened on Saturday, with prayers and a highly spirited reading of the New Testament chapter, 1 Peter 2 verses 13 thru 17: 

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to every one: Love the brotherhood of believers, FEAR GOD, HONOR THE KING!” 

This reading was followed by singing from Songs of Praise, hymn number 539: 

“It fell upon a summer day, When Jesus walked in Galilee, The mothers from a village brought Their children to his knee…Love giving, strong to heal”

  With the formal introduction of the Chairman by the honorable Master of Convention (MOC) Chicago based Patrick Mgbada, Dr. David Uche, opened the convention with a warm and cheery – straight to the point opening message; thanking all for visiting as he put it “Beautiful Orlando, Florida” and boy, was it beautiful indeed! The weather was nice and warm; the landscape straight and the palms were overly present!) Dr Uche informed us that our Alma Mater – Government Secondary School Afikpo was today, suffering from serious and unpardonable neglect by all of us who had benefited from our School’s superior tradition, quality learning and best of breed education. He charged the convention to reverse this trend and revitalize our great Institution. 

There were many great speakers during the first session commencement however, the convention’s Key Note Speaker, proved to be worth his every “Weight in GOLD!” In superb and exceptionally comfortable style, Dr Anthony Obi Nwasokwa – a Long Island, New York based Cardiologist; a former Captain of School, popularly 

nick named in his days as “Gwongworo” observed a moment of silence in honor of one of our early Principals Dr. Akabuogu, before delivering what the audience later agreed conclusively to be a sincerely historic speech; a presentation that can only be fully appreciated by true red blooded “Mgbomians” and those present at this convention. Dr. Nwasokwa took the audience through a journey of history and tradition; our core values; our past and present. He reminded us of who we are; our great education; and our achievements. He spoke passionately of his belief in our ability as a unified, high impact group, to better the future of our great institution. He expressed, with inspiring and visionary optimism that we will restore Government Secondary School Afikpo. The Key Note presentation was followed by many other passionate speakers that included Leonard Ozoemena (aka Ozzidi), Senior Partner at Compass Solutions and Charles Amalu who resides in Canada and a final vote of thanks to all attendees especially the spouses of all participant alumni. The working session of the convention which was strictly, for attending alumni focused and dealt with important issues covering organization; election of leadership; Web presence; funding; and convention date and venue for GSSA WORLD CONVENTION ’08. Consensus agreement was reached on all important session two agenda, including the proposal for a One Billion Naira – Ten year Akabuogu Educational Fund (AEF) for the restoration of Campus facilities and Infrastructure & the Improvement of Education at  Government Secondary School Afikpo; the election of Honorable Anthony Obi Nwasokwa MD, as GSSAAA Chairman. GSSA WORLD CON ’07 Chairman Eze David Uche MD was elected GSSAAA President; Leonard Ozoemena, Secretary General; Victor Okoye, Financial Secretary; Charles Amalu, Treasurer; Vincent Okonkwo- Chairman, Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) & Emeka Chira – Chairman,  Communication & Technology Committee (CTC).  Dr Charles Agunobi of Charlotte North Carolina was elected GSSA WORLD CONVENTION ‘08 Chairman following his City’s win, as the favorite venue for next year’s Global convention. GSSA WORLD CON ’08 is scheduled to take place from August 1 thru 3, 2008 in Charlotte North Carolina.      

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